Dr. Edison Camargo, Dr. Cesar Costa, Dra. Aileen Davis, Dra. Juliana Schleder
Aileen Davis, PhD, is a Senior Scientist, Health Care and Outcomes Research, Toronto Western Research Institute. She trained as a physiotherapist and clinical epidemiologist and received her PhD from the University of Toronto. Her primary research focus is in musculoskeletal disease, particularly in identifying modifiable predictors of patient outcomes. She has published and lectured extensively o on various aspects of patient evaluation and outcomes in arthritis and musculoskeletal oncology. Currently, Dr. Davis is Associate Professor, Departments of Physical Therapy and Surgery and the Graduate Departments of Rehabilitation Science, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Clinical Epidemiology) and the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto . She completed tenure as Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator in September 2005 and is a member of the CIHR Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Advisory Board.
Conferência com a palestrante internacional Aileen Davis : Functional outcomes after limbs salvage in oncology patients